VHIL analog/digital IO loopback

Description of how the analog/digital IO is looped back in Virtual HIL.

To enable analog/digital IO on Virtual HIL, the option must be turned on in the Model Settings window. By default this option is turned off.

When enabled, the IO is available on Virtual HIL by looping back analog/digital outputs to appropriate inputs. The mapping of outputs to inputs are described in the Table 1.
Table 1. VHIL analog/digital IO mappings
HIL device AO AI DO DI




1 - 16 1 - 16 1 - 32 1 - 32



1 - 16 1 - 16 1 - 32 1 - 32
17 - 32 Not connected




1 - 16 1 - 16 1 - 32 1 - 32
17 - 32 Not connected
33 - 48 17 - 32 33 - 64 33 - 64
49 - 64 Not connected

If the number of outputs matches the number of inputs, the outputs are simply mapped as follows: out1 to in1, out2 to in2, out3 to in3 and so on.

If the number of outputs is greater than the number of inputs, some outputs are left disconnected as described in Table 1.