Hi Zhi,
As you can see in the console there is message that says "Simulation completed successfully". This message is sent just before simulation process end (TyphoonSim.exe). Hence, simulation actually completed. After this message, simulation process cleans up some memory locations that were used for the simulation. I just noticed that we have small issue in this piece of code.
Somehow, we didn't notice this issue in any PC (our dev PCs + customer PCs) because in our cases it seems that windows just successfully completed process and that is it. But in your case, Windows raises flag for this and hence you get that window.
We already fixed issue and it will be in the next software release. Anyways, you can ignore it - you can just click on "Close the program" and continue working. As I said, simulation itself is not affected. I know it will be a bit annoying to close this window after every simulation. Sorry for that inconvenience. I will also search over the internet to try to understand why your PC is reporting this while on our side it is not the case. If I find something that can help you overcome this issue, I will let you know.
Also, as soon as new release is out, please download it to avoid this annoying issue.
Best regards.