Your CPU can get overloaded since there are many signal processing components used in your model. You can try the following approaches :
1) Changing the execution rate to reduce the overloading of CPU.
2)Using CPU marker component, it is possible to distribute evenly the Signal processing domain on all available CPUs. This component allows user tomap certain part of Signal processing domain on System CPU. Nevertheless, it is important to distinguish System CPU in different HIL devices. System architecture for HIL devices shows following:
For HIL 402/602+/604 device, System CPU has significantly less processing power than User CPU and therefore, user should be careful with mapping Signal processing component group on the System CPU
For HIL 404/606 device, System CPU is equivalent processor like User CPU.
For more information about partitioning Signal processing domain, please refer to the Signal processing circuit partitioning and Signal processing device partitioning videos.