User Power Supply

Power limits for HIL101 devices

In order to simplify the design of the interface board between the HIL and the controller under test, the HIL system provides analog and digital power to the interface board. In many cases, this power may be sufficient to also supply the controller under test, thus significantly simplifying the HIL test setup.

Warning: The User PSU section is not designed to sink current, and will be damaged if an external voltage source is applied to the output.

HIL101 power limits

Table 1. HIL101 power supply limits for external electronics
Voltage Rail Current limit Comment
+12Va 0.5 A Resettable protection, filtered
-12Va 0.5 A Resettable protection, filtered
+5Va 1 A Resettable protection, filtered
-5Va 1 A Resettable protection, filtered
3.3Vd 1 A Resettable protection, filtered
5Vd 1 A Resettable protection, filtered