+3 votes
in Creator by Ognjen G. (441 points)

Endorsement credits available for answering this question.

This task proposes the creation of an example model for a DC/DC resonant converter targeting battery charging applications. The deliverables should comprise the schematic model (.tse), SCADA panel (.cus), and an application note describing the model implementation and the operation under meaningful operation points.


  • Bidirectional full-bridge CLLLC Resonant Converter.
  • Resonant frequency: 100 kHz.
  • Input voltage: Vin = 800 V.
  • Output voltage: 320 V
  • Closed-loop model, with control strategy implementation by choice.


  • The model should not rely on the simulation rate scaling feature.
  • The parametrization of the converter is part of the task.
  • Explore meaningful operating points in the converter gain curve, making sure that the converter covers the full range of output voltages.
  • The model parametrization and the control design should be backed by publicly available references or by convincing scientific/engineering reasoning.

Hardware requirements:

  • HIL404 or HIL606 device

1 Answer

+3 votes
by morteza ghamari (20 points)

Following your concern, I can model A Dual active bridge converter with this filter type using nonlinear controller for you, as this is my PHD proposal, and I have HIL Typhoon Microgrid setup in my Lab using 606 modules.
by Caio O. (10 points)
Hi Morteza,

This sounds really interesting!

Can you share a bit more about what would be the specifications of your system in comparison to the originally proposed in the task? Would you be willing to implement this controller in the schematic editor using signal processing components?
by morteza ghamari (20 points)
I am PHD student in ECU and my topic is designing a robust adaptive nonlinear controller for fast charging infrastructure of EVs using Dual Active bridge Converter with CLLC filter. I have already done that and got the experimental results using HIL setup. I can attach the work I have done both on the controller and the HIL setup for your clarification. You can contact me through my email: [email protected]. If you want, I can develop a new Nonlinear controller for you, I must say that I use Matlab to design the controller then convert the code to HIL environment. Please check my Google Scholar:
by Hojun Lee (10 points)
Hello, Morteza.

My name is Hojun, and I am currently a master's student studying in South Korea. My research focuses on OBCs and ESSs for EV applications. I am particularly studying topics related to HIL-based research, and I came across your work while searching for relevant materials.

If it is not too much trouble, would it be possible for you to share any related materials? It would be of great help to me in my studies.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

Best regards,
by morteza ghamari (20 points)
Dear Hojun
I hope this email finds you well, unfortunately I cannot share my materials with you as these are my PHD sources, but I can start a work for you and design your work. If you want to discuss the details please email me on : [email protected]
You can also check my Google Scholar:
by Caio O. (10 points)
Hi Morteza,

Interesting work!

The Application Bootcamp is based on the principles of open collaboration and peer production. Therefore, for this task, we’re looking for a closed-loop model that can be shared with the community as a solid example for this application. While advanced control strategies are super exciting, the main focus here is accessibility, so open access would take priority over anything that might be confidential.

That said, if you'd like to protect the IP of your control strategy, one option could be to share it using encrypted libraries:

In any case, you would retain authorship credits for the example, and after an evaluation for content novelty and quality we’d be happy to help promote your work further within the community!