Introduction | Meet our academic partner

The Smart Grid Research Center (SGRC) at Jeonbuk National University (JBNU) is currently one of the strongest research centers in Korea. It was formed in 2011 through the joint effort of several departments of JBNU, with strong collaboration with four other neighboring universities.

The Center’s research team’s main research topics involve the integration of renewable energy sources, battery systems, and electric vehicle charging capacities into the grid. In this blog and video, they are presenting some of their latest research projects, partners, challenges, and HIL benefits.

Research | Collaboration of academia and industry

In the video below, learn how Typhoon HIL solutions were utilized in some industry-academia projects at SGRC. Hear an introduction by Professor Yongsug Suh on the department’s history, its strengths in providing hands-on experiences in up-to-date labs and programs, and its main research fields. In addition, see the PhD students’ perspective on the major research project challenges that were resolved in collaboration with Hyosung Heavy Industries, LS Electric, Dawonsys, Seoho Electric, Samsung Electronics, and many other relevant industrial partners.

Benefits | How HIL testing helps research

The SGRC team highlighted that for their industrial partners, the time, manpower, and cost saved in the development stage by testing the microgrid control in a simulated environment is of the highest importance. C-HIL testing also provides a risk-free environment for students to learn while collaborating with industry, without causing any damage to the equipment. They can safely simulate any failure that needs to be prevented by good control design in the physical world.

The most valuable academic benefit for SGRC is that HIL makes research work faster and easier. HIL testing enables faster control prototyping thanks to the high-fidelity models and the possibility of setting up full compliance with the target test conditions.

Similarly to our own Typhoon HIL mission to engineer and promote sustainable power technologies that scale, our partners from SGRC highlight that for the people, they are making an environmentally friendly world. We are grateful that they shared an insight into their research with us through this video.


Author | Debora Santo
Visuals | Karl Mickei
Editor | Debora Santo