Introduction | Meet the CERTI Foundation  

In today’s rapidly evolving energy landscape, the integration of microgrids and the advancement of e-Mobility are critical in achieving sustainable and efficient energy use in the future. At the forefront of these innovations is the CERTI Foundation, an R&D institute dedicated to developing cutting-edge solutions that bridge academic research, technology suppliers, and startups. To explore CERTI’s pioneering work in microgrids and the digitalization of the e-Mobility sector, as well as highlight the importance of high-fidelity modeling and real-time simulation in driving cost-effective and scalable solutions, we talked with Marcelo Oliviera, researcher, and Rodrigo Kreamer, energy technical leader at CERTI Foundation. 

Entrance to one of the CERTI Foundation branches, located on the campus of the Federal University of Santa Catarina in Florianópolis, Brazil.

Microgrids | The Backbone of Sustainable Energy

Microgrids have emerged as a key solution in the transition towards a decentralized and resilient energy system. Rodrigo Kreamer, the Energy Technical Leader at CERTI Foundation, underscores the importance of microgrids in both academia and industry. By developing advanced microgrid controllers, including both hardware and software components, CERTI is enabling efficient energy management and distribution in isolated regions and beyond.

One of the significant advantages of microgrids is their ability to operate independently from the main power grid, which is particularly beneficial in remote areas or during power outages. CERTI’s approach leverages high-fidelity modeling and real-time simulation to optimize microgrid performance, ensuring that these systems can meet the specific energy needs of their users while minimizing operational costs.

Watch our video: Multidisciplinary Energy Research and Collaboration at CERTI based on our interview with Marcelo Godinho from CERTI Foundation.

Real-Time Simulation | Reducing Costs and Accelerating Innovation

CERTI Foundation’s innovative use of real-time simulation tools has revolutionized the way energy projects are developed and tested. By simulating various operational scenarios in real time using HIL technology, including those that would be impossible to validate in the field, CERTI has been able to significantly reduce the costs associated with team mobilization and proofs of concept.

This approach not only shortens the time required to commission energy solutions but also improves customer satisfaction by delivering reliable, well-tested systems. The ability to model and simulate complex energy systems, such as microgrids, in a controlled environment allows CERTI to anticipate potential challenges and optimize system performance before deployment, ensuring a smoother transition from concept to reality.

CERTI Foundation HIL Interface Board.

Digitalization in e-Mobility | Paving the Way for the Future

The e-Mobility sector is another area where the CERTI Foundation is making significant strides. Digitalization plays a crucial role in this sector, particularly in reducing the costs and time associated with material resources and testing. The automotive industry, known for its sensitivity to market fluctuations, benefits immensely from digital tools that streamline the development and validation processes.

CERTI’s collaboration with Typhoon has been instrumental in advancing digitalization in e-Mobility. By focusing on fault conditions and isolated operation scenarios in microgrids, CERTI is developing robust solutions that can withstand various operational challenges. This work is vital for the future of e-Mobility hubs, where energy storage systems and advanced optimization algorithms are essential for maintaining operational efficiency.

Watch our video: Innovations in Microgrids and Energy Research at CERTI Foundation based on our interview with Rodrigo Kraemer from CERTI Foundation.

Conclusion | Collaborations and Future Outlook

The partnership between the CERTI Foundation and Typhoon HIL exemplifies the collaborative spirit needed to drive innovation in the energy sector. By pooling their expertise and resources, these organizations are developing solutions that not only meet current energy demands but also anticipate future needs.

Looking ahead, the continued focus on microgrids, real-time simulation, and digitalization will be crucial in addressing the growing complexities of the energy landscape. As new business models emerge and the demand for sustainable energy solutions increases, CERTI Foundation is well-positioned to lead the charge in delivering innovative and impactful energy solutions.

This comprehensive testing process with HIL allowed us to drastically reduce development time.

Rodrigo Kreamer
Energy technical leader
CERTI Foundation

CERTI Foundation’s work in microgrids and e-Mobility is a testament to the power of innovation and collaboration in the energy sector. Through advanced modeling, simulation, and digitalization, CERTI is not only addressing the challenges of today but also laying the groundwork for a more sustainable and resilient energy future. As the energy landscape continues to evolve, the insights and solutions developed by CERTI will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the future of energy.


Author | Debora Santo
Visuals | CERTI Foundation, Karl Mickei
Blog Editor | Debora Santo